A call on meeting was held at WTCBIA office at New Delhi with Mr. Aime Yves Bado, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Burkina Faso (A west Africa Country). A meeting was also held chaired by Mr. Rakesh Sharma, President, Indian Newspaper Society and attended by Dr Yogesh Srivastav, DG, WTCBIA. It was discussed the proposed areas of business cooperation between India and Africa in general and Burkina Faso in particular. Mr Sharma advised the possible areas of cooperation and Minister Counsellor shared his country’s vision and investment opportunities. Dr Srivastav shared WTCBIA commitment and it’s support to African Countries. A message of Mr. Pradeep Agrawal, President WTCBIA addressed to Ambassador, Burkino Faso was also forwarded to him through Minister Counsellor. Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.